1, 2 & 3
1- Create an account
Enter your full name, email, password, as well as, checking on the data privacy, Terms & Conditions boxes. If you are given the option to save your password for automatic login, select YES. When you click Save, you will be sent a validation email to continue. Once your account is verified, log in and search for the service you require.
At the end of these instructions there is a link to create your account.
2- Read the information
In each category, as well as, in the product page (products description), there is important information about the difference between services, how to indicate where to place the services, cancellation policies, etc.
If you are on a cell phone, select the three lines in the upper left corner ( ≡ ) to see the menu categories.
3- Promotional Codes and Payment Methods
The 5-number promotional code is located next to the event name (in the events drop-down list in section #3 - Service Details) place before paying at checking out. The events are availible in the drop-down list a month and a half before events' move-in.
The promo code is for early pay and is available a month previous to the event and ends 10 days prior to general move-in.
Our payment methods are: online with debit/credit card and bank transfer (Only México), for foreign and international transfers please request information at
Start here: Create Account
About us

Service Desk | Cintermex
● Contact: +52 (81) 8369 6970 |
We are located within the main hallway, in front of the La Arcada 1200 restaurant, between exhibit halls C and D.
Learn more